Holistic silk Sustainable Silk Blog

Love your skin and hair with gorgeous sustainable Silk

How much do you spend on luxury anti-frizz hair treatments, costly conditioners, and expensive shampoos?  You’ll probably spend yet more on facial products and the associated paraphernalia – wipes, buds and so on.  If you’re environmentally-minded, the plastic bottle count alone might make you feel guilty.

But could you replace some of your less-sustainable beauty buys with long-lasting, re-usable Silk beauty products?  Well, with all the associated environmental and other benefits that buying less brings, the answer is a lovely, big, generous ‘yes’! 

Sustainable Silk

So how can Silk make your beauty routine less environmentally damaging and more sustainable? 

Silk is about thinking long term.   It’s about kindness, about being thoughtful and mindful of the impact we have on the natural world as individuals and it’s about investing in a product that will last you many, many years before you have to even consider replacing it.

It’s a wholly natural fabric.  It feels incredible.  The quality of Silk we insist on is exceptional.  The design and craftsmanship are impressive.  But the impact on the environment is small compared to endless investments in cosmetics.

How Silk and beauty go together like peaches and cream

Mulberry Silk is particularly good for beauty as it is friction free.  Woven so there is a sleek, mirror smooth-finish on one side is the key and that is why we use this for all of our Silk beauty products.  It lets your hair and skin glide across it, so no skin dragging or hair snagging occurs.  It’s also non-absorbent so those products you do still want to use will last longer as they will have more time to absorb into your hair and skin properly which means you will naturally use less of them each time.

The environmental cost of buying beauty products 

The environmental burden of constantly buying more products soon stacks up.  The more products you buy, the more single-use plastic containers you’re responsible for.  There’s plenty of non-recyclable plastic involved in hair care and beauty too, for example plastic sachets, plastic tubes, their lids and the fancy packaging used to make so many luxury cosmetics look the part. 

How about cotton pads and wipes?  They’re also thrown away in their millions every year, probably in their billions.  No wonder so many environmentally aware women are trading them in for re-useable ‘cotton wool’ pads made from bamboo, one of the world’s most sustainable natural materials.  Bamboo is a member of the grass family, a plant that grows back unusually quickly.  Cut it back and it soon re-grows.

By focusing on long-lasting, highly effective Silk beauty products you’re using a sustainable material instead of a series of less-sustainable products that keep running out, that you have to keep replacing.  Silk comes with less of a recycling burden, fewer single use plastics and simple natural beauty you can rely on.

Our Silk Beauty Heroes

A real Silk Pillowcase won’t wrinkle and dry your skin the way a cotton case or a pillowcase made from any other fabric will.  It leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth with none of the sleep lines that can eventually turn into full-blown lines and wrinkles.  Waking up is less about fighting your skin into a state of loveliness, more about it looking great in the first place.

The same goes for your hair.  A Silk Pillowcase leaves your hair smooth and soft, not dry and rough. It feels good and looks good.  You don’t need so many potions and preparations to banish the frizz.

You’ll love our pure Mulberry Silk Hair Turban, a simple and effective way to keep hair smooth and sleek overnight.  And don't forget our other Silk Hair accessories including classic Silk Scrunchies, Skinny Silk Scrunchies and Silk Beauty Hairbands.

You might even be able to banish the hair straighteners altogether by switching to Silk, saving essential energy in a climate change world.  

Silk Eye Masks don’t just deliver beautiful sleep - they keep your skin soft and smooth.  They don’t pull or wrinkle your skin and won’t dry it out.  Protecting your skin overnight, they help you absorb any valuable night serums and treatments meaning you need to use and buy less in the long term.

Take Back Policy

Our products are investment pieces and as such we create them so they last and last.  But inevitably, they will reach the end of their lives and eventually need disposing of or replacing.  Whilst you can of course recycle most of our fabric-based products, you can now also return them to us and we will recycle/repurpose them responsibly on your behalf.  We will also reward you with 20% off a replacement.  Find out more about this new scheme here.

Holistic Silk Take Back Policy
Holistic Silk Sustainable packaging

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