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Did You Know?

Cleopatra wore a small magnet on her forehead to maintain her fabled beauty.

Did You Know?

You can wash the Yoga Rug Mat 30-40 degrees in a washing machine, using a natural/eco washing liquid will prolong and preserve the Lavender aroma for a couple of washes. Simply sprinkle essential oil onto the Fleece side of the Yoga Rug Mat to enhance the lavender fragrance once it fades away.

Did You Know?

The ancient Chinese used magnets and magnetic material to improve the flow of chi, the internal energy which flows through channels (meridians) in the body. When you feel pain, in stiff shoulders for example, this is usually due to a blocked flow of Chi.

Did You Know?

Silk’s beauty benefits have been harnessed by the Chinese for centuries.  Compared to Cotton, Mulberry Silk is renowned for reducing skin damage by up to 50% because it doesn't drag across your skin, it glides. Silk also contains natural anti ageing Sericin and unlike Cotton, it doesn't absorb valuable night creams or your skin's natural hydrators, so will actively help your skin to rehydrate whilst you sleep. 

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