Yoga teacher extraordinaire, nature lover and all round bringer of calm, Ulla works from her beautiful Yoga Flow Studios in Svendborg and Copenhagen.

Q: How do you start your day?

A: I am an early bird. The first thing I do before anything else is put a frozen block of ice into my sink and fill it up with water or Green tea.  I dunk my head in and feel the blood vessels in my face come alive and it brings freshness to the rest of the day.  And then I head off to my beautiful holistic Silk Yoga Mat to do my daily Yoga program.

Q: What gets you going? (exercise/ wellbeing routine)

A: I’m a Yoga Teacher, so no doubt, Yoga keeps me going and gives me energy to perform and keep up with each task on my daily to-do list.

Q: Where you are most inspired?

A: Spending time with people with wit and intelligence, travelling and good books. Often these three things go hand in hand.

Q: You are a successful business woman now, but what advice would you give your younger self?

A: Don’t listen to what others want you to do. Listen to people who encourage you to do what YOU feel is right.

Q: What cause are you currently championing?

A: My ‘Flow Yoga’ teacher training.

Q: How do you relax and switch off?

A: Yoga and Walking Meditations.

Q: What’s your guilty pleasure?

A: Oh…Coffee with whipped cream

Q: You have to choose only one beauty product to use for the next 7 days, what would you pick?

Fresh air and a wonderful Greenlandic body cream from Inuacare. Juniper & Labrador Tea Extra Care Cream

Q: Do you sleep well, what is your bedtime routine?

A: My bedtime routine is getting into bed before midnight, although I try to aim for 10.30 pm. I couldn’t live without my silk eye mask.  I travel a lot so I bring it everywhere and always try to stick to getting to bed around the same time.

Q: And the final question… your favourite Holistic Silk item and why

A: My favourite Holistic Silk item is definitely the Eye Mask. I have more than one!  They help me get a good night’s sleep, even during the light Scandinavian summer nights.  And then of course my Holistic Silk Yoga Rug mat.  So soft, warm and beautifully scented.

Visit the Yoga Flow Studio website for more information on Ulla’s classes and to view her new Online Store

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