By Kemi Nekvapil.  Coach. Speaker. Author

As we reach the end of a year, generally our focus turns to 'getting to the end' or 'getting to the holiday's'.

The issue with this is that we forget to honour the year that is passing.

So for the final questions of 2018, I invite you to take the time to honour how you have grown this year and what you have achieved.

Of course, there are also perceived failures, the challenges, and the tough aspects of life. I find many people spend enough of their mental and emotional resources on these issues, this is a moment to celebrate the good stuff!

So ask yourself these questions, share them with your friends and loved ones but mainly be proud of them….don’t forget to give yourself a woohoo!!

1. What 3 things are you proudest of?

2. What have you learnt about yourself this year?
3. Where have you grown the most this year?
4. What relationship has 'held you' the most this year? (Tell them)
5. What has been the magic, the most surprising outcome of 2018 for you?

Wishing you the joy of celebrating yourself. xxx

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