Like a long awaited house guest you arrived with a flourish and proceeded to bring excitement, trepidation, consternation and love throughout your stay.  And just like that house guest, who quite frankly we began to bore of towards the end, we really will miss you!

You kept us on our toes with your unpredictable weather; snow so deep we couldn’t leave the village at the beginning of the year, the most beautiful summer sun that even our continental neighbours envied and now a good old fashioned soaking to leave us all sparkly and clean ready for our new guest, 2019.

And let’s not forget the good times we had, frantically trying to secure our marquee at the Port Eliot Festival before partying the night away and wondering what on earth we were thinking of for the next 2 days.  Learning to climb trees once again to rescue kittens who, it turns out, absolutely LOVE climbing up them but detest coming down.  Fearing crocodiles in hotel lakes whilst visiting Sri Lankan friends and fabric designers - none of that wild swimming for us this time around.  Weeks of wandering around the office in Silk Turbans feeling like movie stars until we perfected our new design - Shhh that’s 2019’s welcome gift!  Not to mention the World Cup which…..well, perhaps we shouldn’t mention it.

So as we say goodbye and prepare for the new arrival, we look forward to spreading the gift of better sleep to even more people around the world, to introducing exciting new products, thinking a bit more before partying like we are 18 and to quite honestly having a fabulous time with our guests, old and new.

From all of us here in our Holistic Silk haven in Cornwall, to all of you wherever you may be, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful, exciting, interesting 2019.

Love Joanna and the team

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